New or recent injury or pain.
Acute conditions are those that are new or recent injuries or conditions. If we are able to address the condition or injury straight away; acute or new condition cases generally see results much quicker and with fewer overall sessions needed in a total treatment plan. Acute cases can subside within one phase of treatments (9 – 12).
Acute conditions’ treatment factors:
Length of time the condition has been present
Severity of symptoms
The individual patient
The effects of MLS Laser Therapy are cumulative; therefore, expect to see improvement as you proceed through your treatment plan. Much like an antibiotic, each MLS Laser treatment builds upon the previous treatments. It is very important that once you start, you complete the course of treatments recommended to prevent reversion.
Some examples of Acute conditions that we can effectively treat with MLS Laser are:
Pain and bruising
Muscle strains, sprains, and tears
Arthritis and other degenerative joint conditions
Slipped or bulging discs
Spinal compression/stenosis
TMJ Dysfunction
Surgical scarring